Digital Marketing and Software Development

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Our mission is to do digital marketing and  enterprise grade software development for affordable prize with high quality. Will make you business better with our service or product. Focus on your business. We handle the technology. Our philoshopy is together we should progress.


What are covered for 999 ₹?


  • Domain registration (one year)

  • Hosting web pages

  • Responsive web Site design

  • Dynamic Pages  

  • Email account

  • Social Media Integration

  • Google Search (SEO)



Want to buy later? Request to provide your phone number, will reach you out to provide more details  to make your decision.




Use whats App icon on your screen buttom right corner to reach out us in Whats App.




Contact Us


Phone *
Razor Pay Payment Integration


Payment gateway integration can be done for your web site for 500 Rs.



Creating an amazing social media marketing strategry for your business by leveraging the full potential of socail media and combining it with search and other advanced concepts.


We offer customized solutions based on your application needs to deliver and ideal blend of performance.

  • Software development 
  • Digital marketing Ad design and publishing
  • Web site reponsive design and hosting
  • Cloud hosting
  • Microservice APIs
  • DevOps Solutions
  • Business Intelligence Report
  • Video Recording and editing
  • Photoshop 


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Ecommerce PRODUCT

Cloud based Ecommerce product  have all the features you need to deliver an amazing customer experience that ensures long-term growth.


  • Administration screen to manage product, photos and stocks.
  • Payment gateway integration
  • Build using latest technologes using .Net 6 REST APIs and Angular 11
  • Hightly scalable as this will be hosted in cloud

Please Contact Us for a demo or any questions with respect to ecommerce product.


Bion Computers
Anga Trichy Saba
Little Angels